
Maxing yourself when attempting to change class or SK can be frustrating. On defense, it usually results in instantly giving up the obj.

I can add a thing to prevent SK/class change if it would cause you to have a 19+ second spawn time if there is interest.

Re: Self-max

It's because I consider self killing on time to be a part of the game. Whereas changing class inaccurately through binds and being auto-maxed is not really a part of the game (there is no advantage to be gained in doing this late with the hidden class mod), self killing as late as possible can force defenders into staying alive etc. therefore it's increasing an advantage to stop maxing people who mistime this so mods shouldn't influence this (harsh maybe but fair imo) .

Re: Self-max

A couple people asked whether this was live on the server or not.

It is, but with Black's suggestion, e.g. if the spawn happens at :20, it blocks SK between :20 - :21, but not between :19 and :20. Since nobody else bothered to comment on here, I did it that way as it was less of a change.

If there is interest in blocking SK between :19 and :20, write something.

Re: Self-max

I am interested, and totally not because I can never remember if it's 1.4 or 1.6 that I can sk at. Not that it would matter because that's either 18.4 or 18.6.

I would say everyone makes mistakes; I have seen everyone get max'd here and there, and while it happens less often to some people, and more often to others, I think the game would overall benefit if a successful push was determined by correct teamplay, and not some brief error in judgement as to whether or not you can sk.

Re: Self-max

tl;dr SKs are a part of siege and people should time them correctly.

I still maintain that timing SK is a skill in siege and doing it as late as possible to force defenders not to SK or to self max is a valid tactic. Extending this to prespawn gets rid of most of this. I do this a lot mostly cargo I try to force the D HW to self max because they are worried about my position but I sk very late and they need to SK because they've used rockets. Either way if I time it right I gain an advantage atm (either they are alive with reduced HP / ammo or, they are dead), but under requested changes they can't self max and neither can I so there is no risk on my part and less on theirs to wait for the attacker to sk.

Re: Self-max

Okay, I may have thought you had to sk at 1.4 seconds remaining or so. Apparently it's 1 second, in which case I agree with Black, and am fine with sk blocks between 20-21. My thought process was that, since there is still like half a second window to sk and max yourself, it wouldn't affect gameplay that much, and would just prevent accidental self maxes.