
Search found 284 matches

June 6 update

The server now tracks defense obj time records. In other words, you will now be able to see what the longest time someone has ever held for (both for specific objectives and for the full map). For full map records, the number of objectives completed will also be tracked and used as a tiebreaker. Fo...

Re: We made *** great again

Significantly reworked and improved the new saber throw vs saber system. Overview: Base JKA saber throw vs saber is incredibly random and inconsistent. Using identical positions and test conditions: Sometimes the saber hits for 100% damage, even on targets that are facing directly at the attacker So...

Old Hoth records

Due to the obj2 changes, it would now be extremely difficult to break one of the old 2nd obj capture records. For example, a previously unremarkable 18 second cap would now be an insane world record time. Thus, the capture time records for the live pug - second obj and live pug - full map need to be...

Re: We made *** great again

Added bitflag 4 to g_blackIsNotConnectedSoWeGetToHaveAProperlyWorkingVideoGame to improve saber throws against enemy jedis: Saber throw disarm is completely disabled. Target currently has saber down or is attacking: The throw deals 100% damage (50 damage against a 50 max HP jedi). Target is aiming ...

Hoth 2nd obj update

Fixed hoth turret hitboxes being too big (invisible walls blocking shots around them) Added g_fixHoth2ndObj (default: 1) RUSHING the obj is now HARDER: Defenders can press +use inside either spawn bunker to teleport from the first obj to the second obj. NORMAL completion of the obj is now EASIER: I...

Re: Hoth 2nd obj

D jedi isn't just some god against scout now. I'm pretty confident in scout vs d jedi 1v1 at most objs. But there are several other factors at play that make the d jedi meta viable at 2nd obj specifically, which have nothing to do with any saber changes: 1. Demp . This is the #1 thing that makes the...

Hoth 2nd obj Some possible ideas to make it harder to rush: Add a delay to the large doors opening Make the doors open more slowly Add a red forcefield to the hack itself, which would be removed after a delay Some possible ideas to make it easier to compl...

Recent minor updates

Added the new cvar g_friendlyFreeze. Using the default setting of 0 disables freezing of friendly vehicles, which makes sense because you couldn't damage them anyway. It was a bug because the vehicle is not considered to be among your teammates, which are already not frozen by friendly fire. The fr...

Re: Kata moves

Some of them are useful. What would you rebind them to, anyway? Revolutionary idea but maybe just make them toggleable in the newmod menu like every move maybe you want red stance dfa and all the m1/2 katas but nothing else fine, maybe you want the bluestance crouch attack that's fine too. Essentia...

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