Hoth 2nd obj update
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:45 pm
- Fixed hoth turret hitboxes being too big (invisible walls blocking shots around them)
- Added g_fixHoth2ndObj (default: 1)
- RUSHING the obj is now HARDER:
- Defenders can press +use inside either spawn bunker to teleport from the first obj to the second obj.
- NORMAL completion of the obj is now EASIER:
- Ion hack is now instantaneous
- Ion hack can now be performed by any class
- Reduced 2nd area turrets HP to 600 (was 1200)
- Added health dispenser in cave for offense only
- Reduced outer cave rocks HP to 100 (was 1500)
- Removed inner cave rocks
- Wampa spawns farther away from the wall (allows more optimal movement through cave)
- Wampa is braindead during live pugs
- RUSHING the obj is now HARDER: